KCM Vaultinghorses Freeke
Freeke is one of the horses who has spend some time in the stables of KCM Vaultinghorses and we love her very much. Freeke is easy to handle and with her regular, clear canter she is a pleasure to vault on. Freeke is bought in 2016 by the Palmer family, who previously also bought KCM Vaultinghorses Zygo from us. Freeke, then only 6 years old, was in our stable for a few months, untill we were allowed to show her on her first vaulting competitions ( wich she won with the highest horse score ! ) in 2017. After a few competitions, the Palmer family took Freeke home and now she is competing at CVI's with them.
Jill Palmer about Freeke:
"I love both my horses. They are amazing. Both are extreme sweet. Zygo is a work horse and my kids favorite horse of all time. Freeke is new but is winning Kimmy's heart with her sweet character and steady stride. I love riding them both, Freeke is spunky and loves to jump. I could go on and on".