KCM Vaultinghorses

Quality vaulting horses

Welcome to our website! 

With more than 30 years of experience in international vaulting, KCM Vaultinghorses is the place to be wether you are looking for a new vaulting horse or if you need help with training your vaulting horse. As Cindy and Maurits have been international active as team, pas de deux and individual vaulters and also as trainers and lungers, we know what a vaultinghorse has to be like.  To get an overview of the horses we have for sale at the moment, click here:  Horses for sale 

Next to schooling vaulting horses , KCM Vaultinghorses also offers vaulting training and lunging training, at home in our own stables or at locations all over the world.  More information can be found here:  Clinics and training

 To keep your horse in good health and get the best results, good equipment is just as important. KCM vaultinghorses offers a variety  of vaulting equipment and training equipment. More information is to be found here:  Vaulting equipment

KCM Vaultinghorses Golden Wonder K 


CVI Belgium 2017


